Snaggletooth preview
Ready to pounce! Seriously, how cute is she???!!!
It has been a rough week for Arley--- she is getting her third tooth in and it has apparently been a very painful process for her--- her top right tooth is coming in but about 1-2cm over from where you'd expect it--- so, either she is getting her second incisor in before her first large incisor, a not-totally-rare situation called cross-cutting, or her main incisor (big front tooth) is coming in way off center... so no wonder it is so painful. We might have to start calling her fang from now on... so the kitty halloween costume is pretty fitting.
The last week Scarlett made it to her first football game in a newly renovated Stanford stadium.
She also loves playing in water.. .here she plays in the hose and doesn't mind getting soaked.. .and yes, her eyes are still azure blue.
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