Saturday, September 02, 2006

Sept 1: Green Bean

We were finally able to capture a picture of her first tooth--- bottom gum, her right--- I know it is a little hard to see with those blueberries jammed in her mouth, but it's there.

Arley is continuing to grow like a weed... None of her 9mo clothes fit (for length), and after only gaining 4oz the last two months, she's gained over 12oz the last month.

Her newest food love is brie (pasturized rindless). She's pretty much eating adult food now - and her latest thing is she is really into feeding herself, and not being spoon fed.

Scarlett and Toby are still best of friends... Toby has taken on quite the roll of a nanny dog, going in and sleeping in Scarlett's room, especially when Arley is crying.

We've also put in new planter boxes for veggies and herbs and flowers. Here's the fam together, Scarlett "getting her hands dirty" playing with some onions, and the after effects of eating some dirt :)


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