15.5 weeks---UCLA's winning streak continues, and Arley couldn't be happier.... this uniform (with the cute cheer on the bottom) must be good luck; someone call UCLA and see if they want to buy it for next season.
The most incredible thing was how much she loved watching basketball.... as is evidenced in the pictures below.
When the game was on, she was riveted!
And then when the commercials came on, she cried! Seriously, no joke.... it happened 3 times in a row... it was pretty hilarious.... she really seemed to prefer watching basketball... we couldn't believe it ourselves.
Other than that, she is progressing cognitively a little every day... she is using her hands more and more--- she rolled over from front to back a few times on her own--- and she can almost sit up on her own in idealic conditions...
Official weigh in later this week...